Phiên bản Creo 1 mang 1 giao diện Ribbon, đặc trưng của loại giao diện này là các thanh công cụ được bố trí gọn gàng và hợp lý, cho phép nhanh chóng chuyển đổi các thanh menu bằng cách cuộn con lăn chuột trên thanh toolbar. Ngoài việc bố trí lại hệ thống menu, hãng PTC tích hợp cho Creo Paramatric những tính năng mạnh mẽ trong việc xây dựng mô hình từ Creo Element.
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Phần Manufacture , Simulation, Analysic…cùng các phần mềm cùng hãng PTC như mathcad, element Direct… sẽ được up load dần dần, các bạn đăng ký nhận tin để theo dỏi nhé!
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Chú ý khi bấm vào link, sẽ có 1 trang trung gian bạn hãy đợi 5s sau đó nhấn SKIP AD màu vàng bên góc trái trình duyệt nhé=> chuyển sang link 4shared

- Tutorial- Using the Fill Pattern Tool.rar
- Tutorial- Dimensioning in Sketcher.rar
- Tutorial- Center Lines & Points in Sketcher.rar
- Tutorial- Excluding Surfaces from Shells.rar
- Tutorial- Freeform Blending Between Features.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Reference Viewer to Display Paths and Investigate Circular References.rar
- Tutorial- Routing Pipelines.rar
- Tutorial- Using Intent Edges for Rounds.rar
- Tutorial- Introduction to the Sketch Tool.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Curvature Analysis Tool.rar
- Tutorial- Routing Flexible Hoses.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Dimension, Direction and Axis Patterns.rar
- Tutorial- 3 Different Methods to Copy Features.rar
- Tutorial- Fun with Patterns.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a Cube in Creo Parametric 1.0.rar
- Tutorial- Understanding Shape Animate.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Reference Viewer to Display & Break Dependencies.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Standard Measurements in the Mechanism Application.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Rotational Surfaces Tool.rar
- Tutorial- Understanding Cyclic Symmetry Constraints.rar
- Tutorial- 60 Seconds on Sketcher.rar
- Tutorial- Selecting and Removing Multiple Surfaces or Gaps for Removing.rar
- Tutorial- Moving Faces.rar
- Tutorial- Behavioral Modeling Primer.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a config.pro File.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a Sphere in Creo Parametric 1.0.rar
- Tutorial- Using Remove to Uncover an Extruded Feature.rar
- Tutorial- Round Options – Round Profile.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Bearing Loads.rar
- Tutorial- Closing the Gaps in a Quilt.rar
- Tutorial- Rolling Ball Method – Surface to Edge Round.rar
- Tutorial- Top 5 Config.pro Options.rar
- Tutorial- Boundary Blend – Curve on the Fly.rar
- Tutorial- Merging and Thickening Surfaces.rar
- Tutorial- Increase Sketch Productivity with Sketch Palette.rar
- Tutorial- Increase Productivity with Intent Selection.rar
- Tutorial- Graph Driven Sweep.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a Normal to Spine Round.rar
- Tutorial- Using Intent Selection to Capture Design Intent.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a Square to Round Blend.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Rounds Through Edges and Curve Chains.rar
- Tutorial- Removing a Surface from a Solid or Quilt.rar
- Tutorial- 5 Cool Things in Creo Parametric.rar
- Tutorial- Rolling Ball Method – Full Rounds.rar
- Creating a Parallel Blend Protrusion or Cut.rar
- Creating Datum Axes.rar
- Creating Inheritance Features.rar
- Creating Solid Revolve Features.rar
- Editing Feature References.rar
- Placing Flexible Components in an Assembly.rar
- Tutorial- Automatically Adding and Removing Material.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Datum Planes.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Helical Sweeps for Springs.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Profile Rib Features.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Round Sets.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories.rar
- Tutorial- Deleting and Suppressing Items.rar
- Tutorial- Mirroring Selected Features.rar
- Tutorial- Repeating Component Placement.rar
- Tutorial- Understanding the Ribbon Interface.rar
- Tutorial- Using External Merge to Add Material.rar
- WF5_Lesson-12_Part_One.rar
- Creating Draft Features.rar
- Creating Solid Extrude Features.rar
- Datum Graphs, Free Pro_E Wildfire Video Tutorial, Consumer Product Design_Development, E-Cognition Inc.rar
- Dragging Connected Components.rar
- Tutorial- Adding Taper to Extrude Features.rar
- Tutorial- Copying and Pasting Features.rar
- Tutorial- Creating a Curve from a Cross Section.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Chamfers by Selecting Edges.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Composite Curves.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Datum Curves Through a Point or Vertex.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Geometry Patterns.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Linear Holes.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Rip Features.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Solid Extrude Features.rar
- Tutorial- Customizing the Ribbon Interface.rar
- Tutorial- Editing Features.rar
- Tutorial- Graphics Enhancements.rar
- Tutorial- Surface Normal Direction and Merge Order.rar
- Tutorial- Using Geometry Tools within Sketcher.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Datum Coordinate Systems.rar
- Tutorial- Using Extruded Walls.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Warp Tool.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Shell Features.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Corner Chamfers.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Points using an Offset Coordinate System.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Swept Blends by Selecting Sections.rar
- Tutorial- Sketching Splines.rar
- Tutorial- Quick Start to Integrating Multiple Models into Single Design.rar
- Tutorial- Creating UDFs Using On-Surface Coordinate Systems.rar
- Spinal Bend, Free Pro_E Wildfire Video Tutorial, Consumer Product Design_Development, E-Cognition Inc.rar
- Tutorial- Advanced Repairs with Import DataDoctor.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Scoops and Bulges with Freeform Surfaces.rar
- Tutorial- Creating Trajectory Ribs.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Style Feature to Create a Freeform Surface.rar
- Tutorial- Using the Reference Viewer to View Contents and Filter Through References.rar
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